Our Team of Experts
Bev Jackson
Billing Specialist

Bev comes to PedsOne from the great state of New Mexico! She relocated to New Mexico from Washington State where she did medical billing for 5 years.
Bev loves horses, cows, chickens, her 2 Australian Shepherds and her Yorkie, and sometimes even her husband Dub!
Together, Bev and Dub have 4 amazing children and 5 grandsons, with another grandbaby on the way, hopefully a girl!
Bev loves working at Pedsone because of the people. She says, ‘I have never met a group of people that work so well together. I feel blessed to be part of a company that takes customer service to a whole new level’.
“Wanted you to personally know we appreciate the time, energy, and resources PedsOne put into our chart audit and summary sessions with provider group as well as individually...(Our office) is now implementing documentation and coding processes based on your assessment and feedback. All our providers now have a better grasp on general Pediatric specific coding and documentation parameters.
We look forward to continued partnership with PedsOne for additional chart audits and education sessions with our providers.”
JR Vought, Pediatric Associates of Kingston