Ongoing Support
PedsOne surrounds you with a multitude of support, helpful recommendations and vital information.
We work diligently to keep up to date on payer directives and trends and share that information with you. Among other things, we can help you with:
- Form design recommendations
- EFT application processing
- Bank vendor and configuration of online banking
- Advice and data to support payer contract negotiations
- Loading the allowable schedules into the system based on your payer contracts
We will also work directly with you and your staff to provide advice and assistance on developing best practice protocols for a variety of functions such as:
- Setting up front end billing protocols and procedures
- HR staffing, job descriptions, task distribution, performance evaluations
- Patient scheduling
- Financial policy
- In bound phone workload management
- Effective patient recall systems
- Check in, Check out workflow and protocols
- Internal controls for the revenue cycle to ensure- front desk, AP/AR, practice manager
- Implementation of a Credit Card On File program
- Evaluation of IPA agreements and advise on the relative value of the IPA to the practice
- Review and evaluation of fee schedules and recommendations to ensure that revenue opportunities are not missed
- Strategies for timely and effective time of service payment collections
On the system side, our vendor PCC provides a variety of training opportunities including telephone training, teleconferences, and web conferences. Courtesy of PCC, you will also receive unlimited admissions for physicians and management staff to the annual PCC Pediatric Users’ Conference attended by Pediatric providers, managers and staff from around the US.
“We’ve been working with PedsOne for almost 5 years. They are amazing!”
One Family Pediatrics