Talk is cheap. Intentions while perhaps well meaning, are not something you can deposit into a bank account.
At PedsOne, we work very hard to demonstrate our worth to your practice. We develop a cohesive working relationship among the stakeholders of your revenue cycle- your practice, the system vendor PCC and your billing service- PedsOne. We work with your staff to implement best-practice protocols that positively influence your accounts receivable. We successfully manage your billing using strict, time-tested guidelines, drawing upon the expertise of the PedsOne billing specialists.
Results for Clients | Before and After PedsOne
Average Number Days in AR
3 Provider Group, NY | 59 days | 23 days |
3 Provider Group, NJ | 87 days | 25 days |
12 Provider Group, MO | 81 days | 27 days |
2 Provider Group, TX | 38 days | 18 days |
2 Provider Group, FL | 31 days | 20 days |
Percent of AR 60+ Days
3 Provider Group, NY | 47% | 11% |
3 Provider Group, NJ | 43% | 13% |
12 Provider Group, MO | 42% | 26% |
2 Provider Group, TX | 35% | 16% |
2 Provider Group, FL | 30% | 28% |
Dollars per Visit
3 Provider Group, NY | $119 | $135 |
3 Provider Group, NJ | $112 | $131 |
12 Provider Group, MO | $99 | $139 |
2 Provider Group, TX | $130 | $143 |
2 Provider Group, FL | $84 | $137 |
Featured Case Studies
We recognize that while money is very important, great results can often be measured qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Below is a profile of our intervention with a practice, which was in need of immediate and substantial assistance.
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Send us a note and we will have the appropriate person get back to you ASAP.
“Wanted you to personally know we appreciate the time, energy, and resources PedsOne put into our chart audit and summary sessions with provider group as well as individually...(Our office) is now implementing documentation and coding processes based on your assessment and feedback. All our providers now have a better grasp on general Pediatric specific coding and documentation parameters.
We look forward to continued partnership with PedsOne for additional chart audits and education sessions with our providers.”
JR Vought, Pediatric Associates of Kingston